Book review – the Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.

Book review – the Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.

“The Four Agreements” by Miguel Ruiz is a timeless guide to personal freedom and self-mastery. Ruiz distills ancient Toltec wisdom into four powerful principles:

1. be impeccable with your word,

2. don’t take anything personally,

3. don’t make assumptions, and

4. always do your best.

Each agreement offers profound insights into how we can transform our lives by breaking free from limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior. Ruiz’s writing is clear, concise, and filled with practical wisdom that can be applied to every aspect of life. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, better relationships, or inner peace, “The Four Agreements” is an invaluable companion on the journey to self-discovery and fulfillment.


The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word, emphasizing the power of speaking with integrity and using language to spread love and truth rather than gossip or negativity. The second agreement advises against taking anything personally, as others’ actions and words are a reflection of their own beliefs and experiences, not a reflection of our worth.

The third agreement encourages readers to avoid making assumptions and instead seek clarity by asking questions and communicating openly. Finally, the fourth agreement urges individuals to always do their best, recognizing that our best effort will vary from moment to moment but is always sufficient.

Through these four agreements, Ruiz offers a roadmap for breaking free from self-limiting beliefs, finding inner peace, and living a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

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Book review – the Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.

“The Four Agreements” by Miguel Ruiz is a timeless guide to personal freedom and self-mastery. Ruiz distills ancient Toltec wisdom…

May 6, 2024

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