Priya Rama

Priya Rama

Ryan is an excellent PT – very professional, knowledgeable and punctual. He knows what to teach and what not to according to one’s physique. He really helped me strengthen and firm up my body. Its only been 3.5 months since I am under his guidance but the difference is immense. Earlier going to the gym meant only treadmill and the bikes for me but thanks to Ryan’s planned and customised workouts, I am trying out different equipments and techniques – love going to the gym now! He pushes you to do your best. The best feeling is when you look yourself in the mirror and feel great both physically and mentally. Keep up the good work Ryan !!!


Priya Rama

Ryan is an excellent PT – very professional, knowledgeable and punctual. He knows what to teach and what not to…

November 21, 2022

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