Self trained versus personal trainer trained

Self trained versus personal trainer trained

I love reading things that validate my life’s work like a recent fitness network magazine – “Self trained versus personal trainer trained”. This article basically states that personal trainer trained people get better results in less time. The research done by University of California measured muscle gained, fat lost and strength increases and found that across the board those trained by a trainer did far better. A surprising fact of research being that self trained people spent far more time in the gym and still got less results.
“Clearly the trained group was economical with the training time. With more economical use of time and spectacularly better results”.
In conclusions..
.. more results in less time = trained by a trainer.

Let me know if we can help! RF

Our bella vista personal trainers take a lifestyle to approach to helping our clients enjoy better health and fitness. With over 25 years of personal training experience in the hills district we are some of the most experienced personal trainers in our industry and have helped numerous people look, feel and function better for sports and life!
We have trained international level athletes and 70 year old nannas and know that a scientific approach to training can be tailored for anyone wanting to improve any aspect of their health and fitness.
We do not promote quick fix strategies or products and encourage our clients to take a holistic – long term approach to achieving their goals. This means looking at exercise, nutrition, motivation and lifestyle change.
Too many people get sucked into the empty promises of “quick fix” products and programs in the fitness industry. We promote good health, fitness and lifestyle and have attained amazing results in doing so.

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Self trained versus personal trainer trained

I love reading things that validate my life’s work like a recent fitness network magazine – “Self trained versus personal…

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