personal training


Strength and fitness Focus

Gaining strength and fitness for life and sports requires a combination of consistent effort, proper technique, and a well-rounded approach….

August 27, 2024

Hamstring tear recovery – rehabilitation, injury management personal training

Good advice for recovering from a hamstring tear typically involves a comprehensive and holistic approach, focusing on rest, rehabilitation, nutrition,…

August 1, 2024

Corrective Exercises for managing tendinitis of the elbow – Personal trainer Bella Vista

Corrective Exercises for managing tendinitis of the elbow involves a comprehensive approach to strengthen and balance the muscles around the…

July 31, 2024

Chek ADHD Focus

Chek ADHD Focus Paul Chek’s holistic approach to managing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) focuses on lifestyle changes, nutrition, physical…

July 31, 2024

Sleep Focus – pt sleep tips for better health & wellness

Sleep for better health  Focus on the critical role of sleep in overall health and well-being. Here are his key…

July 31, 2024

Movement Focus

Movement Focus – exercise programming tips These recommendations focus on movement integrating various types of physical activity to promote overall…

July 31, 2024

Nutrition Focus

Nutrition Focus – food tips for better health and wellness This list advocates for a holistic approach to nutrition that…

July 31, 2024

Hydration Focus – holistic health and wellness

hydration Focus – health tips for better health & wellness  This list emphasizes the importance of proper hydration for maintaining…

July 31, 2024

Breathing Focus – for better health and breathing

Breath work strategies for better health and breathing  The great Paul Chek emphasizes the importance of proper breathing techniques for…

July 31, 2024

Change your health focus as you change your season

As we journey through life, our fitness priorities should evolve just as our responsibilities and experiences do. In our 20s,…

May 1, 2024

Embrace nature – not another device for best health and wellness

In a world consumed by the latest health and fitness trends, from biohacking to data-driven workouts, it’s easy to forget…

April 16, 2024

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