10 keys to diet success

Hi i thought this might help!

10 keys to diet success

With so much diet information around it’s hard to know what

to listen to and what to block out. Here are some tried and

true strategies for keeping you focused on what really works

for weight management.

1. Make small changes – making regular small changes to your habits is much more sustainable and turning your world upside down

2. Eat and drink less calories – Cutting back on the total

calories you consume is clearly a winning strategy for

weight loss. Target high-calorie fatty and sugary foods

first and cut back on alcohol. These dietary changes

create the energy shortfall that helps you burn and

reduce body fat.

3. Burn more calories – The more you move your body every day, the

more energy you’ll use up, which helps to create an even greater energy

shortfall. More daily movements, walking and some strength training

provide the best combination of activity.

4. Manage your appetite – Limit your portion sizes and avoid the habit of

overeating. Choose foods that are filling and not fattening, like lean

protein, salads and wholegrain cereals.

Cutting Diet Confusion – No. 4 By Matt O’Neill & SmartShape.com.au 2006

5. Know your eating triggers – Identifying the people, places or thoughts

that trigger you to overeat or choose high calorie foods will allow you to

plan alternatives and deal with situations that tend to trip you up.

6. Monitor your progress – Track changes to your diet and exercise

routine to raise your awareness and keep you on the path to success.

7. Build your support network – Enlist family, friends or workmates to

encourage and support you

8. Get professional advice – Use a weight loss advisor to share good

information, tips and strategies to keep you focused and motivated

9. Personalise your program – As you progress, keep the diet strategies

that work for you and ditch the ones that don’t.

10. Choose to lose the confusion – Make it your policy to critically filter the

useless and distracting diet information you hear.

11. Be flexible – Allow yourself to have slip-ups and try not to let them

become major set-backs. Lasting results come from a healthy attitude.


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10 keys to diet success

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