Laws of Health & Fitness Success 2

Laws of Health & Fitness Success 2

1. GOAL FOCUS – Have AND maintain a vision of what you want to achieve. Decide on what your dream is and pursue it! Write it down and read your goals daily or as often as possible! (stick them on the fridge or your computer or iphone or your mirror)

2. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY – there will often be days where you don’t feel like exercising but you can always do something. You just have to realise that exercise doesn’t have to be torture. If your body is obviously drained and tired, you could do an easy walk or a yoga stretch session and you would be the better for it. The alternative of having a cup of coffee and a cake sitting on your butt if the poker option.

2. WARM-UP – Always warm-up (with moderate exercise) before you go into intense efforts/exercise. This will reduce the risk of injury and enhance performance.

3. STRETCH – It is a good idea to stretch often. After warm-up, between sets and after exercise (give most attention to tight muscles)

4. CHECKS – There are two things you should check before you begin any exercise. 1st = you have the correct weight, 2nd = you have the correct seating adjustments/stance/posture.

5. USE PROPER TECHNIQUE – Maintain technique and control at all times! Proper technique will save injury and yield better results!

6. BREATHE – Breathe out as you lift and in as you lower the weight. Keep your movements in rhythm with your breathing. Be very conscious of your breathing!

7. BE CONSISTENT – “The hallmarks of successful training are long term consistency and progression!” Take baby steps – consistently!

8. MAKE TIME – There are 168 hours in a week – all you need is 3 or 4! There is always enough time for your priorities!

9. EAT RIGHT – Nutrition is a major key to great health and fitness. “We should eat to live not live to eat!” You cannot be healthy on the outside if you are not healthy on the inside!

10. BE DISCIPLINED – “There will often be times when you don’t feel like a workout! Rarely times you regret having had one!” Ryan Fraser. And not every workout has to be a personal best! It’s ok to just do an easy one sometimes and when you feel good – go hard!

11. ASK FOR HELP – Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. We want to help and it is important for you to find people that you feel can help you towards your dream.

12. KEEP A RECORD – Track your success! You will progress better if you know what your progress is. Write it down.

13. TRAIN PROGRESSIVELY – Through gradual and constant progress in your training – Your body must change to meet the new demands on it!

14. VARY YOUR WORKOUTS – Your body will adapt to a routine. See your trainer regularly (every 4 – 8 weeks) for new exercises and routines to ensure progression!

15. HAVE FUN!!! – Enjoy your workouts by challenging yourself and being creative! Mix it up! Try something new! Realise the awesome benefits that increased health and fitness has in all areas of your life!

“Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!”

Next step in the 12 week process = Healthy Nutrition Focus

Our bella vista, personal trainers take a lifestyle to approach to helping our clients enjoy better health and fitness. With over 25 years of personal training experience in the hills district we are some of the most experienced personal trainers in our industry and have helped numerous people look, feel and function better for sports and life!

We have trained international level athletes and 70 year old nannas and know that a scientific approach to training can be tailored for anyone wanting to improve any aspect of their health and fitness.

We do not promote quick fix strategies or products and encourage our clients to take a holistic – long term approach to achieving their goals. This means looking at exercise, nutrition, motivation and lifestyle change.

Too many people get sucked into the empty promises of “quick fix” products and programs in the fitness industry. We promote good health, fitness and lifestyle and have attained amazing results in doing so.

We are helping people in bella vista, baulkham hills, norwest, caste hill, glenhaven, glenwood, kellyville, kellyville ridge, the ponds, beaumont hills, kings park, schofields, kenthurst, dural, rouse hill, annangrove, galston and even have clients coming form outside the hills district and Sydney to our Lexington Road service.

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