Back pain, Streching, Yoga – Alex McCracken

For progress in back pain, stretching and yoga a big congratulations to our member of the month Alex McCracken. Alex accidentally developed back problems after quite a few years of sitting down too much and golf without supporting exercise. Since training with us Alex has made a significant improvement to his back problems which helps his golf game and his gardening game so both he and his wife are happy!
The most significant change Alex made was to take his regular stretching routines from his personal training sessions and apply them daily at home. He now has more mobility, strength and endurance in these muscles and and much less pain!
Congrats Alex and keep stretching!

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Back pain, Streching, Yoga – Alex McCracken

For progress in back pain, stretching and yoga a big congratulations to our member of the month Alex McCracken. Alex…

February 19, 2018

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